Do you feel depressed that you are piled by black laptops, white papers and grey faces? Now you don’t have to continue boredom. As long as you get some red hits around you, you will certainly spice up your life. A lot of celebrities have shown their passions for red gowns, red handbags and red jewellery, including Anne Hathaway, Heidi Klum, Helen Mirren, Katherine Heigl, Nicole Kidman, Kate Moss, Gwen Stefani and Amy Winehouse. So, check out the marvellous red handbag collection below and enjoy the red feast from strawberry red to wine red.

Red Handbags Interpret Freedom and Luxury

Although some people have prejudice that red handbags are for conspicuous personalities and theatrical effects, others believe that red handbags exactly match high-profiled individuals to state their excellence and taste. While red in Anglo-Saxon cultures symbolizes revolutions and freedom, red in oriental cultures is slightly different as red belonged to the nobles, officials and officers, and ordinary citizens were not allowed to use red. Thus, red has been representing luxury and superiority. Meanwhile, red is connected to good luck. People use red announcement posters, send red engagement cards, wear red wedding gowns and exchange red envelopes during New Year. Even if luck is superstition, carrying a red handbag still gives you a good mood and a chic look.

Red Handbags Fit both Offices and Parties

Red handbags go well with dark clothes and shoes. It would be a brilliant presentation at the office to wear black stripped suits and black ballerina shoes with a metallic red Balenciaga handbag. To show a seductive silhouette at a private party, it is recommended to wear a white pleated dress and golden stilettos with a wine red Dolce & Gabbana clutch bag. In fact, red-with-red is an adventurous style unless you make it as gaudy as Santa Claus’s outfit. Fashion icons like Heidi Klum will pair a light red dress with a dark red clutch bag.

As red handbags are the most splendid characters on the stage, it is time to opt for a red handbag and nail the spotlight on you.



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