Karl Lagerfeld has just picked Lily Allen to be the new face of Chanel. Not surprising, as Lily is often spotted at his events right up there in front row seats. Following in the footsteps of Mick Jagger’s ex Jerry Hall, Lily must be more than just a little nervous; not to mention the fact that Nicole Kidman and Keira Knightley have also starred in adverts for Chanel.

Karl will be flying into London next week to oversee Lily Allen’s Chanel handbags photoshoot himself. This will be Lily Allen’s first fashion shoot representing the designer handbag collection. Often seen with one of her many Chanel handbags, it shouldn’t be anything new to her but insiders say that she is extremely nervous as she doesn’t want to ruine anything.

Lily Allen + Fun = Chanel Handbags 2009

It’s apparently Lily Allen’s fun attitude that made Karl think that she would be the perfect pick for the new Chanel handbags campaign. “She’s fun!” Karl said, and fun she sure is. Will this job in representing one of the world’s most reputable and successful designer brands influence Lily Allen at all? Will she be motivated to keep prim and proper?

Only time will tell. But it does lead one to think, now that Karl has announced that she is perfect because she is so much fun, does this mean that his new range of handbags will be aimed at a new, younger demographic? And If so, will the new target market mean a new target price tag? Let’s face it, it’s not like Chanel bags are cheap and with the recession all over us at the moment, might he reconsider his decission not to reduce his prices despite the economic downturn? It’s not like teenagers have a spare couple of grand pocket money to run out and pick up that Lily Allen Chanel handbag they just saw in ‘Teen Mag’ now is it! Well, not most teenagers anyway…

In any case, we wait in anticipation for the new range that should be ‘all the rage’, especially now that Lily Allen is in the spotlight, funking-up the fashion sensation that is Chanel!

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Met Ball 2009 Red Carpet Gowns
Heidi Klum Fashion Bag Hunt



Original price was: £68.99.Current price is: £43.99.














Original price was: £72.99.Current price is: £47.99.








Original price was: £71.99.Current price is: £46.99.